Sunday, January 25, 2009

the day after yesterday

so yesterday was my birthday. it was pretty good. i chilled at home with Kayj till Kristina got home. then kristina's mom babysat for us. We went down to the valencia mall cuz we both had $100 gift cards to macy's so we wanted to spend them. Now Macy's has this machine that sells like ipod, zunes, dvds, and video game stuff. And i had intended to buy a new ipod touch. we look around and finally find this super vending machine and its sold out of ipod touch's. so i was kinda bummed but decided i'd sell my gift card to my mom and go get a touch from best buy. but we kept shopping and then we went to claimjumpers. It was pretty nice, the one in santa clarita is way nicer than the one in palmdale. got some grub, got a little booze, got a lot of dessert(very provacative desserts to say the least). and then we went home. so yeah it was a pretty fun bday, nothing big or anything. my mom bought me a long board, which i took out today. i was seriously like a little kid with a new bike. i rode around rosamond for like an hour or so. it felt really good, and tiring. so yeah thats my new form of exercise. please don't hit with your car if u see me on the side of the road. i'm gonna go to best buy and circuit city tomorrow to look for an ipod. so i'm very much looking forward to tomorrow. so....yeah....i'm out


1 comment:

Unknown said...

i'm glad you have a blog and i'm glad you had a good birthday.